I hereby proclaim my almost 1-year old Epson C90 in a coma.
And I know I gave up using HP a year ago, but I'm back to using HP. I used HP for a whole decade before I switched to Epson and I regret the switch.
My HP printers before never failed me whenever I needed it. My Epson printer would more often than not ask for a change of cartridge even though: (1) I haven't used it that much; or (2) I always use original Epson ink!
What an awful, awful experience it was and even the tips of online friends did not help. I realized that I should just switch back to HP since my old printers worked fine and the cartridges were always sulit.
my condolences on your printer... :D
TumugonBurahinawww..too bad. i've been using Epson for more than a decade. never had any major problems.
TumugonBurahinBut do go with what works for you. ;)
Enjoy your new printer !