Anyway, it was my brother who got me hooked in computers. I used to hang-out in his office in Dutch Boy and he'd let me play games using his computer. Eventually I became such a pest in the office he enrolled me in a logo programming summer class in Don Bosco. I was about 9 years old then and eventually he gave me his old XT PC when he got tired of it.
I was in college when I first got exposed to the internet. This was even before Google was born. In school we were allowed to chat with our schoolmates online (provided you knew their ID number!). I also remember my professors back then talking about downloading files (about three hours at a time for a very small file!). Eventually I had dial-up at home and enjoyed doing online research and studied how to make websites on my own (my first one I think was hosted on Geocities and then Philonline) and did some sort of SEO to promote the sites I made.
I got in the internet industry because I had interest in helping out exporters to promote their products online. My very first job in the industry was to be a product manager of an online exporters directory, that was 7 years ago and the rest is history.
So, how'd you get hooked to the internet?
Great post! I discovered the internet the summer before highschool started --- in one of those internet shops, I had to save parts of my baon to pay 75 pesos an hour, while data was being squeezed through 28.8/36/56kbps.
TumugonBurahinI also had a GeoCities page, I think the idea was, if you belong to a neighborhood/interest, that'd be part of your URL --- it was an eyesore! Loaded with scrolling text and animated GIFs and whatnot. :D